作者:隋双戈 2015-05-25
方法:在整合前人成功经验和多年实践的基础上,不断探索、完善的心理应激团体辅导模式。2008年6月至2012年8月,对分别来自汶川等地震重灾区和茂名水灾重灾区的部分受灾人员,以及深圳受事故、自杀、人际伤害事件影响的部分人群进行了基于认知行为治疗的 “简快重建法”团体心理辅导——通过四个步骤(呈现问题,健康教育,应对探讨,总结提升)一次团辅中完成(图1);对参加“简快重建法”和其它方式团体辅导的受影响人员进行了量表评估。其中量表评估942人,量表包括精神卫生指征自评量表(SRQ-20)、PTSD 筛选量表(PCL-C)。
图1. 简快重建法团体干预
The Simplified Rapid Reconstruction Method for Group Counseling on Psychological Stress (Abstract)
Sui ShuangGe M.D.
Spring Care Stress Intervention Service Center,Shenzhen
Email: sui@858.org.cn
The critical problemsfor present group counselling are: limited amount of people can be in onegroup; too long treatment period does not match with the urgent, chaotic andmobile context, as well as it does not help relieve the acute emotionalcatharsis. A practical, secured method is to be developed in order to fulfillthe above needs.
The Simplified Rapid Reconstruction Method, ashort-term group psychosocial counseling with four steps(presenting problems, health education, coping strategy discussions, summaryand improvement) in one session (Fig.1), which was theresult of integrated development oriented on CBT. Between June, year 2008 andAugust 2012, this method has been used to treat groups in earthquakes ofWenchuan, and flood of Maoming, as well as on accidents, suicidal events, andinterpersonal injuries in Shenzhen. 942 people were evaluated by measurementscale including Self-Rating Questionnaire-20 (SRQ-20) and PTSD ChecklistCivilian Version (PCL-C).
The Simplified Rapid Reconstruction Methodhelped group members to clarify current problems, rediscover or obtainsupportive resources, practice or learn better coping strategies, establishimprovement plans, and recover feeling of control. Those who had attended this method of treatment, the SRQ-20 and PCL-Cpositive rate are both significant lower than control groups. The amount ofpeople could be treated at one group are also many times more than othermethods’ treatment.
The Simplified Rapid Reconstruction Method issuitable for disasters, accidents and suicidal and interpersonal eventsaffected groups.
Fig.1 The Simplified Rapid Reconstruction Method for Group Counseling on Psychological Stress
Key Words:Stress disorder, Intervention, Group counseling, Simplified and rapid
(Shuangge Sui. The Simplified RapidReconstruction Method for Group Counseling on Psychological Stress. CongressProceeding of the 21th IFP World Congress of Psychotherapy. Shanghai,2014,5:212)